Saturday, March 8, 2025

Play the ACE to enjoy the Power of Now

 We are programmed just as a computer is. Thought has used a part of the brain to tell us that we are the body-mind complex and that it is separate from the rest of the world, and that we need to follow what it deems advantageous for us and stay away from the things that we think do not serve us well.


When Eckhart Tolle says, “you are the one listening to your thoughts,” then even that can be misleading. This computer program is smart and adaptable. It can even pretend to be the spiritual observer, telling us which thoughts and feelings are worth our while, and which we have to stay away from.


True breakthroughs happen when we are alert, curious, and have an equanimous mindset. “Oh, never knew that I am that greedy. What’s up with that?” Or, “I spent my whole life caring about other people’s opinion, let’s see what happens when I follow my own intuition this time.”


We have that autonomy to consider a new frame of viewing ourselves and our interaction with this world. Have you encountered these mind-blowing synchronicities and serendipitous events that happen all the time? If you did, didn’t it change your attitude that you no longer took this world as random?


Spend every day 20 minutes when you just close your eyes and be open to whatever bubbles to the surface. No agenda, just sitting there listening to the thoughts and the feelings that arise. Get to the operating system of the “me” programming with alertness, curiosity and equanimity. What happens?


Play the ACE in order to enjoy the Power of Now—Alertness, curiosity and equanimity!


Friday, March 7, 2025

Beauty is when the “you” is absent

 I had a strange mystic experience early in my spiritual Awakening. In these days I received messages of Oneness in the form of Massachusetts license plates just as many of you perhaps receive little nods of the Universe in number sequences like 11:11, 4:44, etc., or serendipitous happenings. One day I saw a license plate of a by-going car that had a message behind a message behind a message. Just like a chess player who attempts to calculate his own and his opponent’s next ten moves, I had to close my eyes to receive it and felt my head was ready to implode.


In chemistry we know that water turns to steam when the heating temperature reaches 100 degrees Celsius. From physics we know that matter is energy in a denser vibration. Likewise, we are all the same. It’s just that some of us vibrate at a higher energy whereas others still have to let go of what they are not. “You can’t handle the truth,” Jack Nicholson screams at Tom Cruise in the movie “A Few Good Men.” Likewise, not everyone has quite reached the purity and simplicity to receive Oneness’ downloads, and it’s occasionally life’s job to burn the inner interferences away.


We are all the same even though we appear different, and we are all on the same path to melt in the ocean of Oneness even though we in reality already are That. Beauty is when the “you” is not. Nisargadatta Maharaj puts this insight in the following way, “On the inside I am nothing. On the outside I am love, and between the two my life turns.” Accept whatever life brings wholeheartedly. You have been launched on this pressure washing tour to be in the shape to receive Oneness’ mind-blowing truth. What we are seeking we already are. Let’s let go of what we are not.


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Ego power versus serenity—which side are on?

 I watched the State of the Union address. As many of my friends know, I am not exactly a MAGA fan. Consequently, most of my YouTube newsfeed is full of left-leaning commentators who all agreed Donald Trump had a horrible showing. Did they watch what I watched? DJT had so much fun, bathing in the cheers and standing ovation of the Republican dominated senate and getting fired up by the helpless protest of the democrats.


Isn’t that how the ego works? Napoleon must have felt like it prior to his invasion in Russia. When we gain our power by outside events—especially by suppressing others—we may feel elevated, but the moment the tide turns we feel devastated. It is said that when Alexander the Great died after having most of the known world conquered, he requested to be carried in a coffin with his hands stretched out to show that he left the world empty handed. He had promised his mother to see her again after the military campaign, yet all the wealth and power at that time couldn’t help him keep that promise. True power is within. When we sustain our energy by being connected with “no-thing-ness”, we have everything all the time. Which side would you like to be on?


#ego #power #happiness #spirituality



Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Awareness looks on

 Just because it feels good doesn’t mean you should run after it, and vice versa, just because it feels bad doesn’t mean you should avoid it.


Who is the decision maker? Who makes these calls? Your higher self looking down on the lower self? Hardly! Awareness simply looks on.


It takes a little bit of a stoic nature to let stuff bubble to the surface with you sitting on the fence looking. Feel the feeling and do nothing!


You cannot uninstall the conditioning that made you over the eons. You cannot let go and you cannot will yourself into a different state.


Awareness is, but sitting and watching the interplay of body, mind and world, and sitting with the surprises, the hurt the longings is the connection.


Vinod Mittal describes “Awareness is” as the salt doll going for a swim in the ocean, melting its entity as it submerges in the ocean.


True meditation is inviting what is without exception, watching the “I” melt in its presence. Awareness is—can you see, feel and sense it?



Tuesday, March 4, 2025

For the ego, everything is a means to an end

 The expression “means to an end” is ugly. It’s calculating, unforgiving and inflexible. When we consider something or someone as a “means to an end” we shut reality out because we have already decided the outcome that we think will make us happy.


The ego works that way. Everything and everyone are means to an end, but we would never accept this to ourselves. It’s too ugly to look at so we repress our longings and aversions into the subconscious and are encouraged to devise reasons why this outcome makes perfect sense.


True meditation is an opening up of our secret chambers. All feelings, thoughts, prejudices, assumptions and beliefs are allowed to bubble to the surface, and we look at them honestly and unbiased. True meditation is having an open mind, an open heart and the curiosity to know.


Let’s do the world a favor and let’s see the true underpinnings of what we are all about rather than how we wish to be.


Monday, March 3, 2025

Give Oneness a shot (Video Presentation)

God is infinitely more creative than we are. Awareness is a blessed state full of Silence, Energy, Love, Flow (S-E-L-F). We always have access to this divine gate, yet occasionally we get side-tracked by our self-induced interferences and fail to walk through it. In these cases, take another look at what is right in front of you and let God’s creativity dissolve the self-interference.


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Take a deep breath and feel the Presence

 Just as the sky is not affected by clouds,

one is not affected by

the phenomena that arise in oneself.

As such, the practice of this moment is

the practice of every moment, and that is

the seeing through of whatever it is that

arises as “not me, not mine”.




“I am that I am” is before “I am this or that.”


Once we identify with “I am this,” the here and now is lost.


Being aware of “I am this” identification may be a step forward,


but it isn’t “I am that I am” as the observer is just a different “I am this.”


Knowing this fact, what can be done to get to the “I am that I am” state?


Take a deep breath—are you the Presence before thought?


#spirituality #wuhsin #awareness