Friday, July 8, 2011

Just-in-Time Delivery

Just-in-Time Delivery is an important business concept: to keep costly inventories low you just rely on your network of suppliers to send you the goods and services that you need when you require them. The Tao works like that as well. Yes it is true, the spiritual path traveler gets little nudges along the way to gently guide her through the tumultuous events that lie ahead. What I like about this comparison is that the Tao also uses a network of information supplier, namely all the people and events you encounter each day.

 My structured German mind sometimes asked why we don't get broader outlines of what is about to hit us, but I understand why not. The confusion and anticipation is what keeps us in the now, makes us listening to all the voices that are out there because we have learned the hard way that every voice matters! So never mind if you are a little confused from time to time, or even stumble a bit. If you always put your best foot forward, I am pretty sure that the reliable nudges will be coming your way this time as well.

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