Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Two Worlds

When your agenda rules you, you think that you love, but you do not. When you are trying to get something out of situations or people, you will find that you face a lot of resistance just because you are going against the natural order of things, the Tao. To be disconnected is hard work and, often, things are not going your way. Parents know this problem when they want to look out for their children. You tell them what to study, which school to attend to, which friends to hang out with and you find that sooner or later they push back and want to have it their way instead. You have a tug of war until the realization sets in that in the end it is about them and not about your agenda. In fact, you have often the hardest struggles with the people you love most just because they are the ones who can teach you a lesson. In the presence of love, your agenda will always drop naturally.

Every spiritual traveler faces the problem that you cannot be in accordance with the Tao all the time. You are oscillating between two worlds, sometimes you are completely tuned in and your agenda is being swept away by the magic of the situation. But then sometimes it is your agenda that tries to rule the situation and the magic of life is drowned by your expectation of what to get out of it. You can always tell whether you are connected or not. Along the Tao there is love, harmony and respect for other people. Along your way there is restlessness, resistance, manipulation and repressed, and sometimes even open, aggression.

So what do you do when you discover that your agenda rules you? What do you do when you face resistance, restlessness and even aggression inside of you? Well, there is nothing that you can do about it. Just accept the situation, the state that you are; just try observing the lack of love that you experience at that moment. The good thing about this situation is that you now can appreciate the struggles of your friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members so much better.

How easy is it for you to emphasize with others when you realize that you are exactly like them. In fact, the Tao sets you up to experience restlessness, aggression and lack of love to better understand yourself and the situation others are in. This way you will be full of love and not operating from a perceived higher and "holier" plane. The Tao teaches you humbleness and makes you realize that there is no hierarchy. Every voice matters, every feeling and even every agenda has to be respected and honored.

Dear fellow traveler, you are part of a divine movie plot. You are being set up by your Self every step of the way. Everything is perfect from the perspective of your soul developments. The irritations are as useful as the divine bliss. Please understand that you always have the choice of stepping out of your own world. Accept all the emotions and thoughts that come your way, but similarly, be always on the lookout for Her stretched-out hand. She will always dance with you if only you take the first step. When the divine music is playing you will find that all your resentments, your concerns and your agenda are simply washed away. Learn how to oscillate between the two worlds until one day your agenda is completely washed away and all you experience is love, pure love.

By Christian and Su Zhen

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