Saturday, August 23, 2014

In Awe of Life

I work in the forecasting business. I make educated guesses about the future of economies,   politics and asset classes. I have my moments of brilliance, but sometimes I simply look  dumb as well. In search of perfection, I always feel I am so close, but somehow I never seem to be able to reach it. It is what it it is. At the end of each year I look back, tend to be  pretty happy with my accomplishments and get ready for the next one.

Are we here to get what we want? Are we here to be successful or to be happy? Are we here to transcend? Well, it depends on your perspective I guess. My goal is to stay connected with the Way and I can honestly say that life keeps you pretty busy with that goal in mind. I feel like a dancer who improvises spontaneously, performing to a song that he has never heard before, yet, that feels instinctively familiar.

As the dancer can't grow a belly with all his high-intensity dancing, we can't form a comfortable personality blanket as we aim to stay connected with the Way. Being in the Now, the ego somehow retreats. Being in awe of the complexity of life, you have no desire to scheme. And if you miss a step along the Way at time, you have no time for regrets as you are too busy focusing on the directions of your dancing partner who pushes you gently in the right direction.

We are in awe with life; we are in love with the divine music. Perfection exists, but we patiently wait for it to come our way. As a matter of fact, it is the perfect imperfection that keeps us experiencing Her every step of the Way.

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