Monday, August 25, 2014

Let's Be the Light

Sometimes we will come across a few obstacles in our life. We will experience things which are not so wonderful, or as good as we used to have it. In the beginning, we probably can't understand why the Tao wants us to take a step back; why should we be exposed to ugliness. Aren’t we supposed to always live in bliss or in Heaven?

Please don’t be frustrated if you are experiencing these bumps along the Way. Remembering that you are light will release you from all these doubts and frustrations. We are light.  Wherever we are, we shine through the darkness. We don’t need to always face the sun because we will be encouraged to turn on the light ourselves. We light up the place wherever we are!

Let our wisdom and consciousness shine through whatever we are experiencing.  Suddenly, everything is radiating next to us. Whenever we remember we are light, we remind other people around us that they are light, just as we are reminded by them that we are the light. Someone lights the spark and we are all shining together.

So please don’t be scared to experience some darkness along the Way. The Force is always with you, it is just that you are facing the shadow side right now. Surround yourself with people you care for and the spark that lights your fire will surely come. Our presence wakes up everyone from deep sleep. Let's bring beauty, light, and consciousness to the world.  Let’s be the light!

Su Zhen

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