Friday, August 29, 2014

Where is the Love?

Father, Father, Father help us,
send some guidance from above.
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love?
(Black-eyed Peas, Where is the Love?)

We are human and we are divine. We are egoistic and we are loving. The spiritual community loves to affirm how we are our True Self. Yet this view seems a bit naive and often is not very helpful. We are who we are. We have our feet on the ground and we gaze at the stars at the same time.

What sounds like a dilemma doesn't have to be one. We spiritual travelers are encouraged to discover divinity in every moment. A spiritual path is really a choice. Every moment we have a decision to make, for the ego or for love. Life is designed that way to present you with this choice every step of the Way.

When you are meeting a woman for a date and you are somehow swept away by her, are you in love with her beautiful face or her soul? Do your hormones surge in response to her figure or her life story? Is it her earnings power or her kindness that speaks to you? How easy it is to just brush all this aside - and thousands of other personal attributes that often get registered only on a subconscious level - and you confidently declare, "I am in love!". Well, name that feeling as you wish but understand that you are quite confused and conflicted about it. Lots of biological, psychological, egoistic and spiritual drives overlap. But all that doesn't matter much. As you enter a committed relationship your soul-mate will give you the chance to discover everything that is true love while all the artificial attractions fall by the wayside.

There is only one way to avoid the perpetual yin and yang of spirituality, the never ending struggle between perceiving yourself as sinner and as saint: you accept everything about you as is. The greed, the envy, the competition and the lust, as well as the divine spark. You stand with both feet on the ground and you take this as the starting point to reach for the stars. Where God is around, everything is possible. A spiritual path helps you finding love in every situation.  For every step of the Way the choice for love will come natural to you - life has been designed that way.

Why is it so lethal to live in your head? Why can fantasies be so devastating? Because you let the ego go on its pleasure trip while you shut out the magnetism of life. When you experience things in real life, there is always an angel standing next to every temptations;  there is a learning opportunity even if you miss a beat. Get our of your head and let life dance with you and you will find love every step of the Way.

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