Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Journey of Love

People long for love but are sometimes also afraid of it. They are easily hurt, and more often than not, hurt themselves in the process.

Love is an adventure, a journey into the unknown. It takes lots of courage to start and continue on this path, and it takes lots of trust to keep going. It takes time to know each other and it takes time to build up the trust with the soul partner.

Before trust is built, only courage can carry us through. We are shaking and feeling vulnerable, but there is also that little voice inside that whispers, "everything is going to be all right". This is the voice of trust and faith. 

It takes lots of back and forth to finally realize where the journey of love leads to. Find this love and strength in yourself to share whatever you have discovered with your loved ones.

The journey of love is to find the courage to love even though you feel vulnerable; the journey of love is the way Home. By connecting and synchronizing with another heart you find this love in yourself. The  journey of love is to finally realize that all these fears and doubts, the anger and vulnerability, are in the end not about your partner but something hidden deep inside you.

The journey of love is to finally realize that we are love regardless of whether we are in a relationship or not.  We are love, always!

By Su Zhen 

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