Friday, September 22, 2017


Your heart is the light of this world. Don't cover it with your mind.

Sometimes we refer to philosophy as the discipline of thinking about thinking. I was always interested in it but, quite frankly, too much mental torture gives me a headache! Having insights about thinking, on the other hand, is easy. For us spiritual travelers, Spirit sends us multiple opportunities each and every day to re-evaluate what we have learned, to challenge our set beliefs and to learn to see life with new eyes.

I have been a mind-driven person all my life, and have always assumed that every 'relational' person sees the world the way I do. But then my spiritual path opened up and the presence of many synchronous events showed me that my overactive, opinionated mind may be in need of a little spiritual re-boot.

Everything we see is a symbol of sorts, and the Spirit views the meaning of life's events very differently than we would have it. Spirit shows us over and over that the premise of the mind is only one perspective, and that the perspective of the heart might have more intuition, more wisdom, and certainly offers a whole lot more love!

Our narrow-minded perspective of what's going on in our life is not something that needs to be written in stone. Our ego is also not something that we need to sufferingly ignore or even fight. Look openly at all the perspectives life has to offer, and Spirit will show you what you can to feel proud off and what you should disengage with. 

Having an insight about our ego's perspective is very transformative and can set us free from one day to the next. Looking at the picture from above, I'd rather hang out with the slightly confused crowd in the background than thinking about thinking as Rodin's popular thinker does. Let life and love transform us here and now!

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