Friday, December 15, 2017

Show Me

Cause it’s like you’re my mirror,
my mirror staring back at me.
(Mirrors, Justin Timberlake)

If I didn’t know my wife was from India, I would have guessed that she is from Missouri, the ‘Show Me State’. You should have seen her face when I told her that I am becoming an author and spiritual coach. “Run this by me”, she said, “you have a PhD in economics, and a twenty year career at one of the top financial organizations in the world, and you become a spiritual mentor!?!”

How easy would it be to say that my wife doesn’t get me, or that she interferes with my artistic and spiritual expression. You know what, the fear of not making it in the “spiritual industry” is entirely mine. I have to stand up to my fears. Too many spiritual travelers shy away from criticism and confrontation thinking they have to dispel negativity. Yet, the fears and doubts will follow us and a new distorted mirror will pop up somewhere else.

Sometimes we have to step away from negative energy, but often we have to face it. As far as my wife is concerned, I married her because I fell in love with her pragmatism and fighter spirit in the first place. So what if I have to work a little for a few years to show her that I can make a name for myself. My readers and mentees will appreciate the hard work.

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