Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Way of the Soul

Life happens in a way it is supposed to happen, not in the way you want it to happen.
(Ramesh Balsekar)

The German philosopher and mathematician Leipnitz once made the bold claim that we live in the best of all worlds. This must sound insane to some. In my first book, ‘The Magnificent Experiment’, I provided the tragic example of Gordon Livingston, M.D. who lost both his sons within a year. I am sure that the ‘best of all world’ notion would be a tough sell for him. Yet, he concluded himself in his two books on psychology and wisdom that he published, that he chose to become a grieving counselor, and that his service to other struggling folks was how he found meaning in life’s cruel events and some closure.

‘The Way of the Soul’ is the premise that we set ourselves up for our life story, arduous as it sometimes is. Everyone travels a journey of insight and meaning, even if we don’t like what life confronts us with at times. God, in Neale Walsch’s ‘Conversations with God’ said that we all agree to incarnate our life-stories across the entire spectrum of characters and outcomes, so that we eventually make it though all the rainbow colors: red as in passion, orange as in excitement, yellow as in creative, green as in balanced, blue and indigo as in trustworthy, violet and purple as in mystic.

We experience and transcend all the feelings and characters until we mature as an Old Soul and are serene and wise enough to take the last step across the bridge—HOME. The insight of ‘The Way of the Soul’ is that life is as it is, and as is, turns out to be a perfect imperfection. Our incarnations and fates are chosen long before we are born to bring us HOME on the fastest route possible. Lower your guard, face life to the best of your abilities, and open up to every step along the Way. You will be HOME before you know it.

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