Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The WORLD Beyond Thought

Beyond the witness there is the infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.
(  Nisargadatta Maharash)

‘Problems’ are solved by ‘knowing’ what to do. Decisions can be made by instinctively choosing. There is a WORLD beyond thought. When we connect with this WORLD, the understanding what needs to be done is also there, just as we experience the feeling at that moment that everything is exactly as should. The wrench in the works to our spiritual success and happiness—commonly referred to as ego—hides in our thoughts, and is edged on by our feelings telling us that something is off.

Reconnect with the WORLD beyond thoughts with the help of meditation, prayer, visions, nature, writings, or whatever else your particular grounding techniques may be. This WORLD  is always there, waiting for you to reengage.

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