Sunday, March 24, 2024

Spirituality—when you are finally on your own

 Adyashanti discussed the problem “Getting stuck on the spiritual journey” and said that he might be able to help the newcomer with special techniques but towards the end of the spiritual quest you are on your own. The malaise you feel is essentially an invite to face yourself. No one can help you with that but you.


Why do we want to bring good to the world? Because we feel the universal energy calling out, or because we don’t want to sit alone with ourselves? Is helping others because we feel the love, or we want to eradicate the guilt that is for some reason buried deep inside? Are we teaching because we have insights to share, or do we desire to be looked up to?


Obstacles and inner conflicts can be removed immediately. As the saying goes, the obstacle is the Way. Yet, when we appear stuck in time there is only one sensible reason, we are unwilling to look in the mirror and face ourselves and the moment we do the break-through appears. Do you feel stuck right now? What a marvelous opportunity to get the self out of the Way.



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