Monday, April 22, 2024

The Paradox of I

 The “I” casts off the illusion of “I” and yet remains as “I”.

Such is the paradox of Self-realization.

Ramana Maharshi


Eckhart Tolle reported that one of the reviewers of The Power of Now described his writings as mumbo-jumbo. That’s discouraging because he managed with his book to reach the hearts of millions. How many then are ready to solve Ramana Maharshi’s paradox, and how will the book reviewers feel about it? Only someone who is approaching that stage of dropping all conditioning can resonate with the seemingly impossibility of the situation.


It’s a fact that with “me” missing in action all problems go away. It is equally true that the desire to rid ourselves of ego is the ultimate bypassing. What to do? How to overcome this paradox? Simply observe and the self drops by itself. When you truly observe, the experience of “me” is at its root a sensation. How does desire come about? It’s a sensation coupled with a story to make the sensation lastingly so. How does sorrow come about? It’s a painful memory that hits us, added with a story of how miserable we are. How does fear arise? It’s a sensation coupled with a vivid imagination of how the awful present moment will be extrapolated in time.


In the here and now there is no story, no thought process that comments on the future implications or the comparisons to the past. There is no center of perception. There is no “me” to speak of. How can we live in the here and now moment by moment? Only by being aware of the amazing surroundings and the inner storyteller who is always happy to grab the microphone. Notice the sensation and move on!



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