Thursday, September 26, 2024

Identify with nothing

 The Master is within. Meditation is meant to remove the ignorant idea that He is only outside. If He be a stranger whom you await, He is bound to disappear also. Where is the use for a transient being like that? But as long as you think you are separate or that you are the body, so long is the Master “without” also necessary, and He will appear as if with a body. When the wrong identification of oneself with the body ceases, the Master will be found as none other than the Self. (Sri Ramana Maharshi)


It is said that Buddha was meditating when the blue Lord appeared. “Lord Krishna,” Gautama exclaimed, “you have no idea how I longed this moment!” “I know,” Lord Krishna replied smilingly. “Thank you for stopping by,” Gautama said, “but now you have to go. I need to meditate.”


We heard a similar happening from Papaji, a reluctant disciple of Ramana Maharshi. He said that he was quite arrogant when he first met the sage, after all, he had regular visions of Lord Krishna and felt he was as advanced as it gets. Ramana Maharshi smiled and said to him in a conversation, “Where is Krishnaji now?” Papaji had to admit that he wasn’t there at that moment. “What kind of God is this who comes and goes?” Papaji had to admit this logic and made rapid progress afterwards.


Awakening is a bipolar state of existence. The state of Oneness alternates with self-identified living. We all have to accept this fact of spiritual life. Sooner or later the breakthrough happens but, in the meantime, the important thing is not to mistake symptoms of Oneness with a personal power one has. Keep going, identify with nothing and see what happens.


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