Monday, September 23, 2024

The Law of Oneness

 Is our notion of self cunning or robotic, well-meaning or deluded, ethical or out to get the better of others? Is it a little bit of all of the above?


The self is what it is. A conditioned storyline that thinks it can gauge thoughts and feelings and perceives itself separate from the world.


The truth is that body, mind, world are connected in a matrix that has developed the story of separation and tried finding happiness in it.


What can be done? We can either maintain the story of separation—as modern wo(man) seems fated to do—or awaken to the reality of Oneness.


Consider this experiment. As you interact with someone you don’t like very much, start with a smile instead of the the frown that comes naturally.


Consider this experiment. As you approach a situation you feel weary about, entertain the possibility that there may be a present waiting for you.


This is not another Law of Attraction lesson. The problem with this approach is that there is still an entity who wants something from this matrix.


The point is when we awaken to the Law of Oneness, we will stop doing anything that undermines others because we only would harm ourselves.


The point is also that we will start rooting for others as we understand that we are all lifting each other up in a world where you and I are the same.


The world of Oneness is a new way of living—try it.


#spirituality #oneness #self #ego

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