Thursday, September 19, 2024

What is this for?

 There is a change that takes place in the nature of awakening when we discover that “body, mind, world” are part of the same matrix of creation. Before, the moments of “existence, consciousness, bliss” alternate with the moments of confusion. While generally a pleasant mode of living, there remains an element of bipolar existence as we never really can trust or anticipate why our unconscious manifests next.


The turning point comes when we realize that the nature of this “body, mind, world” matrix is—while giving us plenty of opportunities for S (erenity) E (nergy) L (ove) F (low) expression— to confront us with the self-induced interferences and encourage us to let go of them. The way to deal with this bipolar mode of existence is to ask, “what is this for?” It’s easy to get the knack of discrimination. Our self has an energy that can be easily spotted and stepping out of this energy field soon becomes automatic.


Living in awareness becomes natural after the breakthrough. Instead of asking, “what is this for?”, spiritual living becomes an effortless co-creating where our presence determines the outcome. If there was a mental commentary it would be an “it is so!” exclamation instead. “The observer is the observed” condition of non-duality is nothing but the quantum realization that the presence of the observer determines the outcome—the wave of potentialities collapses into a determined particle instead.


S (erenity) E (nergy) L (ove) F (low) reigns when the self ceases in the moment.


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