Monday, September 16, 2024

What remains if the doer is not?

 Krishnamurti says to people, now look, there is nothing you can do to be liberated because all your efforts in the direction of liberation are phony. They are based on your desire to boost and continue your ego, and that will never lead to liberation. All you can do, he says, is to be aware of yourself as you are, without judgement. See what is, but then, if you do that, you have no further problems. (Alan Watts)


We are simply a case of mistaken identity. What remains if there is no one ready grab the mic? No one there wishing to stand in the limelight? I started playing a fun game. I ring a bell each time I notice that someone with an identity and agenda is acting unbeknown to “me”, the witness. Others claim that they can watch any passing thought-feeling movement—though I would ask who is it who is watching?


What remains when the identifier, the doer, the narrative, the schemer is not?

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