Monday, October 7, 2024

Creation always gets its way, with or without you present

 I was lying in bed and experienced what can be best described as the “I am” state—pure energy running through “me”, with the self somehow missing in action, other than some occasional commentary that left as quickly as it came. In fact, I realized that my desire to write it up got me out of it, so I let it be. This morning the vibration lingered—another pleasant surprise.


Some friends claim we can consciously reach this “I am” state by simply dialing into. I wouldn’t know. I concern myself more with the interferences that keep the “me” engaged, other than letting creation simply flow as is. Equanimity of mind, openness and alertness are the three states to look out for. When it “clicks” we are part of an energy highway enabling creation as is.


Meister Eckhart concluded, “Don’t worry if God works through your nature or above your nature because both are God’s, nature and Grace.” That is, creation always gets its way, with or without our self in the Way. It’s magical to be part of creation when God’s Will flows through us. It’s the self-inflicted experience that we can be mindful of while appreciating life as is.


#kundalini #mindfulness #spirituality #Iam” #meistereckhart”

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