Saturday, October 5, 2024

The spiritual transformation is ongoing if you open up to it

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Viktor Frankl


Maybe you have heard of the psychological experiment where they ask participants to push “good” next to an image of a Caucasian person, and “good” next to an image of a black person. Then they measure the response time to see how much racism we have in-built if it takes longer to push the button where the different ethnicity is presented.


All right then, if we need a few extra micro-seconds to come to our senses, then so be it. That’s why spiritual people tend to take more time before they respond. We get in touch with our energy and just instinctively know when something is off and get back in touch with who we truly are deep inside. Spirituality is a surfing of energy. The “right” energy presents itself.


Nationalism, racism, politics—all of the dualistic energies fall off in the here and now. We carry the same triggers everyone has but stop cycling in duality and stop venting these subliminal tendencies. We are encouraged to step out of these energy fields altogether for the simple reason that we would fall sick if we remained in them. Our spiritual transformation is ongoing.


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