There are three distinct states when we are consciously awake, no-mind, mindfulness and self-absorbed. I argue the classic distinction of enlightened, awakening and unconscious is not very helpful. It’s separation of Oneness.
The no-mind state is something that we all experience. It’s just that from the perspective of self, it’s uneventful! It’s like a pair of glasses watching, allowing creation to unfold without any entity participating in it.
The practice of mindfulness and letting go is really the spiritual homework we (think) we can do. For an “unconscious” person, that is someone who is still on a conscious journey somewhere, it only occasionally seems useful.
Notice that this just mentioned “conscious journey somewhere” may also include the spiritual quest itself. Do that for a change, try to be mindful when this spiritual quest gives you pleasure. It’s still self-absorbed!
No-mind living is a natural mode of being. It comes as easy as breathing. Maybe at one point we become so sensitive that we realize any moment when self kicks in again is noticed as an interference just as coughing is.
What do we do not get about these self-absorbed moments, they are “presents” from the universe saying, “consider this one and maybe find a way to let go!” From a spiritual perspective, every moment is meaningful.
For the many of us, just knowing the difference between no-mind and engagement of self is huge. As J. Krishnamurti once put it, being aware of being unconscious is already awareness. Just be with this self and see!
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