Thursday, November 7, 2024

Stepping out of conditioned energy

 Do we really own the feelings and thoughts that run through us, or does humanity own them? Greed or generosity, laziness or industry, pride and modesty, lust or chastity, overindulgence or control—either sentiment can camouflage the moment at hand. We own these sentiments and at the same time we have the power to watch them dissolve like clouds in the wind. “No-thing-ness” is the play-dough of creation, and we can let life create through us when we connect with it.


Take the US election result. Some friends are happy, others are distraught. Have you observed the power to step out of these energies altogether? It’s not escapism; its the power to let creation speak for itself without our interference. We have the power to spot conditioned energy as it arises, and we have the power to watch it fall back into “no-thing- ness.” Try it. It’s not that hard once we perceive happenings and inner states as frequencies and not as manifestations.


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