Monday, January 13, 2025

Don’t scratch the wound—don’t accommodate the ego!

 The other day I used a different deodorant my wife had brought and broke out in rashes that lingered for a long time. Maybe you had a rash too then you will know that scratching feels good, but it doesn’t solve anything. The rash continues. If anything, you irritate the skin even more once you scratch continuously. Also, mysteriously, when we are truly captured by the moment, all discomfort disappears. I also observed, when I activated my kundalini energy, the itching also stops. Alas, all those remedies were temporary. The itching always returned.


Long story cut short, I didn’t do anything about it and just became aware of the desire to itch and mostly refrained from it. I viewed my allergic outbreak as a spiritual lesson. After a few weeks the itch was gone as mysteriously as it went. One change I did make, I stopped using deodorants altogether and actually don’t miss it at all. What is the spiritual lesson? Don’t engage with the ego. It’s just like with a rash, it temporarily feels good if we entertain the ego but the underlying craving or aversion never goes away. So become sensitive and observe, “damn it, I am scratching again!”


Do you see the similarities? Only true healing makes our problems go away.


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