Sunday, February 23, 2025

Are you breaking free?

 The state free from predispositions


is the primal state and eternal state of purity.


Ramana Maharshi


I remember asking my mother when I was young why she didn’t stop smoking if she knew that it was bad for her health to which she responded that without smoking she would snack all the time and then she would gain weight which is also not healthy. I had nothing to say in response.


What is ego? What is conditioned mind? It’s everything. We are hopelessly entangled in a body, mind, world matrix. We can observe though and notice our predispositions and engage in disentangling the conditioning. Thoughts, feelings, reactions, even what we attract and seemingly repel in life, can be observed.


My mother never broke free from her nicotine addiction. My father never got his arms around his bi-polar disease, but that’s the spiritual quest in effect, to let go of the prepositions our parents couldn’t or the society we live in can’t. I am not saying it is easy, but I know for a fact that it is rewarding.


Are you breaking free?


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