It was some time in 2019. I had talked to a friend, got into my car and drove to lunch. Suddenly an energy took over and my neurological wiring went into overdrive. A peaceful open energy of silence prevailed and I felt happy even though nothing external had changed. It was as if a switch had been flipped. The benign presence of “being, consciousness, bliss” lingered 5 days.
Why I had to return to planet earth afterwards I do not know. Maybe there were lessons to learn—I certainly learned plenty! One upside of living in this state for a prolonged period was that I now have pointers. There is always that familiar vibration in the back of my head when it returns. I also coined that acronym of the here and now in those days of SELF: S (ilence) E (nergy) L (ove) F (low).
We all share our insights and experiences to help each other to return to the state of Awareness. The word returning is wrong given that Awareness is before thinking, emotion and experience and never left, it was just that we were too busy to notice the open door to paradise. Today is an auspicious day, seven planets align in the sky and it is New Moon in Pisces at 4:44 PT.
Let’s do the world a favor today and return to the place we never left.
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