Actions form no bondage. Bondage is only the false notion—" I-am-the-doer.” Leave off such thoughts and let the body and senses play their role, unimpeded by your interference.
Sri Ramana Maharshi
“Awareness is” can be described by happenings, without getting the “me” involved. When I join a corporation with the goal to be the CEO, then everything I do will be driven by that desire. In essence, every employee either becomes a supporter of this mission, or an enemy. We may even understand that this is sub-optimal but tell ourselves that once we are in charge, everyone will work in harmony. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Either “Awareness is” prevails now, or it never will.
Ask yourself if there are these areas where “Awareness is” prevails. Maybe when you are gardening or are with friends: pure being without having an agenda at all. Can you feel the difference in energy between “I am the doer” and pure being? Can you drop your self-involvement once you notice that there is a “me” agenda in the room? Do you even want to?
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