Monday, January 27, 2014

Power and Strength

Do you know where your power and strength come from? They come from the knowledge that you can walk on water when the situation so requires. Power and strength are always at your disposal when you realize that life is your friend and is here to help you find your Way. When someone gives you helpful tips how to cope with situations you may get by most of the time but you are sure to hit a wall once the going gets tough. You can see this fact very much in your children. If you protect them all the time and have no trust that they can do it on their own, they will grow up weak; we all have to go out and master our life. Only then will we have the instincts to pick the right path when faced with a cross-road.

As a spiritual traveler you may ask yourself why so-called temptations come your way. You attract them yourself to help you choose better next time around. The Tao endows you with power and strength; lesson plan after lesson plan is presented until one fine day your interaction with life becomes just as should be. Traveling the Tao actually becomes quite easy; all you have to realize is that you are on a spiritual path and every choice becomes pretty straight-forward from there on. There is only one requirement for success, be open to life's experiences.

So please let your children learn how to fly by themselves. The same applies to your journey. The Course in Miracles asks, "Do you really believe you can plan for your safety and job better than He can?" A spiritual path is the realization that life dances with you and keeps you on solid ground no matter what. Follow the Tao and may power and strength be with you every step of the Way.

By Christian and Su Zhen

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