Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Mind the Voice in Your Head

Did you ever notice that there is an eternal nay-sayer in your head? I am not sure that I ever distinguished myself from the voice in my head before my spiritual path started, but now I do. Sometimes the voice and I march in unison, like in this note for example. But often we disagree big time! I can only say in amazement that this stuff that comes out from the depth of my being can be really negative and totally egoistic. Sometimes I tend to do exactly the opposite of whatever it is my voice comes up with. Unless, of course, my gut feeling or the Tao tell me that the voice in my head is onto something.

Have you ever noticed how uplifting it is to work on something together with others? Again, whenever the voice in my head warns me about something, one look at my friend next to me tells me what really is going on. Again and again I have discovered that my negative and egotistic mindset can't prevail with my soul siblings are around. Unless, of course, they are telling me the same thing.

Have you ever noticed that you have the best life coach at your disposal free of charge? The Tao reminds you of your mission and your dreams day in, day out. If unexpected set-backs occur, you immediately are told why this closed door opens in fact an even better alternative for you. For a Tao traveler the voice in the head has no meaning when it differs from the Way.

Mind the voice in your head and feel your way through life, often going against what your ego has to say.The message of the Tao is as visible as a red thread showing you the way. All you have to do is to follow it, step by step. You are neither optimistic nor pessimistic, you just acknowledge the wisdom of the Way.

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