Thursday, September 4, 2014

Open Up to the Unknown

Have you ever observed how you feel and respond when you are in a situation of uncertainty?  You totally have no idea what you should do and how you should respond, and that is really uncomfortable! We know that the old no longer works for us, but then, the old still makes us feel cozy and comfortable. Somehow we are trapped in the old and unwilling to open up to the future, and we are certainly scared.

Does this problem resonate with you? Observe how you feel stuck in your current life. You probably will complain about how painful and how awful your life has become. However, you don’t have that courage to walk away and start a new journey because you are so scared of the unknown. You want a quick answer and want someone to just take this pain away from you.

Be patient with yourself and the situation you are in. Life will nudge you in the right direction and a solution will present itself. Life happens, grass grows and wind blows…all these things happen without our agreement and effort.  When you join the flow of life, suddenly, all the answers are given to you. Life is always full of opportunities.

Center yourself and wait; life's script unfolds right in front of you and through you. When a new opportunity unfolds, you will know exactly how to respond. The trick is to think of the future like a puzzle. Would it be fun to buy a puzzle fully assembled? The joy is in tackling the picture one piece at a time and seeing the vision come together as you work with it. One day this "scary" future will be the well-familiar past, so why don't you go and discover it already today. Whatever happens, you are safe and sound. With the Tao next to you, how can you be harmed?

By Christian and Su Zhen

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