Monday, February 29, 2016

Peace and Power

The motivation for this course is the attainment and the keeping of the state of peace.
(A Course in Miracles)

Every spiritual traveler will tell you that once you have the peace, you will also have the power. The Law of Attraction folks - even though their journey often heads in a different direction than our spiritual path - will tell you the same thing: she who is at peace has the power. The reverse is not necessarily true. You may have the power, but you will not have peace. Running after your cravings leaves you on a treadmill, where power begets the craving for even more power. But then, the power that we spiritual travelers have access to would probably not be worth much to the driven people who are on the look out for making their mark on our world.

Purpose and passion are the forces that get you to this stage. Peace is the absence of a blazing fire - it is the presence of the eternal flame of serenity. You can only get to that blessed stage when you get all your cravings out of your system. And many of these cravings are subconscious in nature so you have to let life do the job for you. Passion will burn this inner fire for you, but it has to be accompanied by purpose otherwise the fire of desire will only blaze stronger after each success or disappointment. You have to give your drive purpose; you decide on your holy mission and the WAY will get you there just in the nick of time.

Peace is complete when you see your mission through. "Been there, done that" is a beautiful feeling of accomplishment. The power that is felt is of GOD; it is HE WHO gives all your spiritual fulfillment, while burning all your cravings in the process. Peace can be experienced every step of the WAY - you know that every roadblock is cleverly designed to let go of your baggage. Passion and purpose is the road HOME - attain the peace and enjoy the power.

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