Thursday, February 18, 2016

To My Autistic Son

In my life, I have had many dreams and want to experience many things.  However, a recurrent theme of mine is that I tend to give up easily when I run into resistance. For example, I love traveling and seeing the world. Unfortunately, the planning and all the necessary adjustments while being on the road exhausts me, so I end up traveling much less than I want to. A similar theme with my professional ambitions: I like to earn money and I want to have a successful career, but I often don't want to suffer the stress it takes to see it through,

Don't get me wrong though, I have accomplished many things I am proud of, like getting a good education. But I did lack consistency. So I never really experienced what it means to go all the way until God asked me to travel a path with my autistic son. To help him, I finally understand what persistence is all about. I am finally willing to keep walking on a path even I see as many mountains as valleys.

Thank you, 
my dear son,
you teach me how to stand up again even when I fail.
You teach me how not to be afraid of failure,
and always focus on the goal instead.
Thank you, my dear son,
you give me endless energy to proceed,
Thank you, my dear son, because of you
I am finally willing to learn my lesson in all areas of my life.

By Su Zhen 

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