Thursday, November 24, 2016

A Network of Spiritual Travelers

I have been doing this blog for many years, and on average get some twenty readers from around the world each day, so it may be considered a moderately successful endeavor. Blogging is what it is, not as sexy as a nicely illustrated nugget of wisdom that you can find in a Facebook environment; certainly not as personal and interactive as an internet community like the Spiritual Networks community I am a member of. But it can be insightful and to the point, and thus is much more targeted than a book would be.

I am grateful to google for supporting this medium that allows millions to express themselves and even more to read it. From day one I had been surprised how global it is. Artificial intelligence will only increase the utility for the readership over the years. However, on the negative side, I am surprised how few ever leave comments. In the end it is in the dialogue where the Holy Ghost truly resides. I would like to invite you to reach out to me when you have questions, comments, or just want to chat. You can find me in the Spiritual Networks community under Christian Wiese, on email at, and on Facebook under Christian Wiese with the Tao image of yin and yang.

Can't wait to add you to the network of spiritual travelers. Happy Thanksgiving!

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