Monday, October 23, 2017

Just Move On

You held me down, but I got up.
Already brushing off the dust.
You hear my voice. You hear that sound,
like thunder, gonna shake your ground.
(Roar, Katy Perry)

She was a driven woman, and quite good at what she did. But then a young guy came around, and people thought he had a better process. His investment style was the preferred product that was sold by the company. In time he was given a team of experts while she was left fending for herself. The writing was on the wall that she had to move on.

Then one day she left the firm and found a nice gig. Part of her new job description was traveling back and forth to Europe, helping others with their investments, with much less stress than in her old job. She was also given the opportunity to serve on company boards. As the years went by it became quite apparent that she was blessed in her new position.

Years later she reached out to meet for lunch and I still spotted much regrets about the past in her. In fact, I was exhausted the first time we met. As the years went by the mood lightened. Her family and her new endeavors came up much more often. She had so much to be proud of. As the years went on it became clear that her new job and her family had healed her pain.

Negative stuff happens but if we put our heart and soul into a new direction magic will happen and one day we will be thankful for the negative circumstances that led to the change. Spirituality has it right that we only hurt ourselves when we resent others, or lash out at them. Yet, we are all human and no one can truly forgive, no matter how often we say, pray or pretend otherwise. 

Yet we can use the fire burning in the depth of our subconscious and move into a new meaningful direction. Just move on if you feel pain inside. Thank your adversary for the infinite energy to start over. See for yourself, one day GOD will whisper in your ear, “Thank your brother! I sent him to help you manifest your dreams”.

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