Sunday, October 22, 2017

When Buddha and Christ Shook Hands

Atonement:Christian theology - the reconciliation of God and humankind through Christ
At-One-Ment: old English - the Buddhist experience of being at ONE with the world and GOD 

The Sages of the East were scientists of sorts. Lao-Tzu’s Tao Te Ching and Buddha’s Four Noble Truths are observations about the workings of our psyche and the laws of life that we experience. They found that we are in fact ONE, powered by a magnificent FORCE permeating everything and everyone. They discovered the state of being Awakened.

Joshua got the same insight from a different vantage point. In his 40 days in the desert he heard the VOICE of his FATHER who told him that the founding principle of GOD’s Kingdom is love. Follow the love in your life and you will find the WAY, that’s how Buddhism and Christianity can be unified. When the world is ONE, love is our connecting principle.

It is interesting to note that Siddhartha and Joshua more or less experienced the same temptations before their Awakening, a last upheaval of the psychological force that claims to be us. Lust, power, fame, philosophy, no matter what the voice came up with, both spiritual giants kept marching on with unwavering faith. Eventually the self melted in the magnificence of the SELF.

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