Saturday, October 7, 2017

Shining Light on Darkness (Revised)

Enlightenment is not the byproduct of avoiding the darkness in favor of the light. It is the byproduct of taking the light of consciousness and diving deep into the darkness with it. To make the darkness conscious, is to turn the shadow into light.
Teal Scott

Dealing with temptations is a curious thing for us spiritual travelers. Saying no to indulgence and exuberance to protect the integrity of our spiritual path is naturally part of the process. Yet, if the 'sweetness of life' keeps knocking on our door, we will have to find out whether we have been negating a soul longing in the name of spirituality. Darkness is nothing to be afraid of as long as we are willing to look with a faithful heart and an open mind.

The traveling monk Vivekananda met with a Maharajah and was invited to attend an entertainment session with his favorite singer but he refused on the grounds that he was a monk. The singer minded the snub and went in front of his living quarters and started singing, 

Look not, O Lord, upon my sins! Is not Same — sightedness Thy name? One piece of iron is in the image in the temple, And another, the knife in the hand of the butcher; Yet both of these are turned to gold When touched by the philosophers’ stone. So, Lord, look not upon my evil qualities.

Vivekananda realized immediately that the singer too was GOD's Voice. He went out to greet her. Seeing that all are indeed the manifestation of the One, he said that he could no longer condemn anybody.

Shadow work is a dance, and occasionally we stumble. Yet, like with every other activity, when we keep practicing in good faith, we eventually will become quite skilled at it. Never be afraid of life’s confusing choices. What's the worst that can happen to you? It is merely to be asked again! No one asks you to willingly deviate from the WAY, but please be willing to look in the dark corners of your being if life encourages you to do so.

The demon always has a present in hand for you once you stop condemning him. Let the light shine in - darkness be gone!

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