Monday, November 27, 2017

A Gentle Nod along the WAY

You are sitting in your office working happily when the phone starts vibrating. Unsure which of the many notifications just went off, you glance at it and all you can find is the affirmative 11:11 moment in time. Instinctively, your mind wants to know, how can I exploit this alert, but the feeling in the belly is merely, “nothing - just enjoy the gentle nod along the WAY.”

Life has its serendipitous moments, and naturally, we spiritual travelers are guided by them when they happen. The CEO of the firm I worked for once remarked that when he had his first interview with our firm, the painting hanging in the foyer was exactly the one he had just discussed at his school’s art presentation. He instantly knew that he was meant to work there.

We spiritual travelers are guided by little serendipitous nods like the story of the meaningful painting. For a spiritual novice it is hard to understand that we want nothing to do with these metaphysical powers. We also have ego but we have 
learned that all ego involvements are murky. All we want is to be part of this magnificent CONNECTION here and now.

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