Thursday, December 21, 2017


To be aware of a single shortcoming within oneself is more useful than to be aware of a thousand in somebody else.
(Dalai Lama)

I read a couple of books in Neale Walsch’s ‘Conversations with God’ series and was really impressed. Good for him that he can sit down at the kitchen table with a pen and a blank piece of paper in hand and start writing down God’s insights. Yes, channeling is for real. My all-time favorite is ‘A Course in Miracles’. One day an unsuspecting psychologist heard voices and a colleague was patient enough to sort these spiritual insights out for her. The result were 700 pages of channeling that can be best described as Jesus’ message for today. My ‘Conversations with God’ are more scattered, but when they occur, are equally impressive. Often life supplies me with the spiritual Aha moments. The other day, believe it or not, Apple’s auto-correct spoke to me.

I was putting a note on ‘free will’ together and wrote that I have met some very clever men who seemed to be on a subconscious journey that they themselves couldn’t grasp. This then begs the question whether I am equally blind-sighted on my journey. As I was typing this question, auto-correct changed two words into Adler, the German word for eagle. Yes, I am always gravitating towards the 10 000 ft view in all of my endeavors. In my job as a financial strategist, I specialized in the global perspective, and these days all my writings are about spiritual Awakening. But the word Adler has a message from my subconscious as well. Alfred Adler was the German psychologist who claimed that we - us men anyway - are driven by the hunger for power. 

Could I be on a disguised power trip? Striving for enlightenment can be a subconscious search for being a cut above the rest, subtle as this longing may be. I was certainly after intellectual power in my prior job as a financial strategist. Looks like I have to take a mental note of this that blind-sight as I embark on my spiritual journey as well. I asked GOD a question about free will and he told me where to lookin order to break free from my conditioning. What is your blind-sight?

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