Sunday, December 17, 2017


Don't believe those people who tell you they want to leave the kindergarten. All they want from you is that you fix their broken toys: "give me back my wife. Give me back my job. Give me back my money. Give me my reputation, my success." that's what they want: you give them their toys back. Nothing more. The Greatest Psychologists will tell you that people don't really want to be cured. They only want a momentary relief. The healing process is too painful.
(Anthony De Mello)

There is something about Anthony’s pessimistic view of the world. I have studied and worked with the ‘best and brightest’ out there, but have found that many are driven by motives that they are unwilling to admit to themselves. All well-meaning words are kind of meaningless. They may listen to you, they may even nod enthusiastically in response, but next minute they return to their subconscious mission of power and fame. When they are depressed they will look for help, but when the wheels are turning again they return to their old habits as if nothing ever happened.

Should you struggle right now, take comfort. Pain implies hope for true spiritual transformation. The 19th century sage Sri Ramakrishna once remarked that the mother will work happily in the background when the child is playing, but once he throws down his toys and starts screaming, she rushes to his side. Same with GOD, SHE is always around but we often only look for HER when we really need need help.

Not all is hopeless though. While it is easy to get lost in the many conscious and subconscious plots life throws at us, everyone faces a spiritually transformative moment one day. As one of the Souls who has traveled the spiritual path for a while now I can assure you that once you have been initiated, there is no turning back. We spiritual travelers recognize each other and walk HOME hand in hand. So what if some others need a little more time before they put their toys down. It’s ok!

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