Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Enjoy the Ride

Our destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.
(Henry Miller)

The Law of Attraction is all about us, isn’t? We visualized what we want, and if we are skilled at it, we also keep in focus how to get there. As a spiritual traveler we should ask though, what exactly is it that we bring to the table to get our desired outcome? The Law of Attraction has a so-so success ratio because our ego is in charge, and it doesn’t always get what it wants.

The religious route is the other side of the spectrum. In the name of GOD we minimize our own enjoyment and satisfaction and only think of the service that we should provide to others. Well, what about us? Don’t we also matter! The truth lies somewhere in the middle. It is nice to visualize a destination, and it is important to care about others, but mostly, it is about the ride!

Life can offer us amazing insights that we can only awaken to along the journey. Go ahead, visualize the world you want to live in, but be also wise enough to figure out what service you can offer to others as you head towards your desired outcome. Most important though, simply enjoy the ride. Every dead-end street and roundabout will offer you priceless spiritual insights.

Enjoy the ride!

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