Friday, March 9, 2018

Prenatal Soul Musings

GOD, a child of GOD and the evil one were walking along a beach. They still had a few moments before the child would going on his next lifetime mission. The dark force said to the child of God, "Why do you even bother to go out again. You guys have been trying for eons, and only a handful of you have managed to escape me. Take sex, I get most of you guys with this basic instinct. Just a little flesh, just a little screaming, and everyone becomes mindless and spineless". The child of God responded, "My Soul partner is waiting for me. We have been playing this game for a while now, and our respect for each other will keep me to my senses this time around. The dark force responded, "We will see about that".

After a short while the dark force continued, "Take the so-called parental instincts. How many parents think that their love drives them to push their children so hard. It is exactly the same dark force at work; they only compensate for their unfulfilled dreams". The child of God responded that he had seen that movie too, but this time around two giants of a former life encounter have signed up for the mission to be their sons. They will have a lesson in store for their pushy parents. They will inspire their parents to go after their dreams as well.

The dark force tried for the last time, "You know what really cracks me up? I know that you will try the spiritual route again. Half of these spiritual writers are driven by the same dark desire; they think they are out catching souls when in fact they run after name and fame". The child of God replied "Some of my longest standing Soul mates will be working with me; their struggles, their questions and their aspirations will keep my feet on the Path.” GOD intervened and said, "Looks like you have to go now. Just remember that no matter where, no matter when, I will always be there for you." As the Soul departed, GOD turned to the evil one and said, "I have a hunch this Soul family will get the job done this time around.”

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