Sunday, April 29, 2018


Madame De Salzmann said that attention is a conscious force. She also said that our attention is wasted and thrown away in our normal state. It is consumed by each passing I. Every I passing through me takes my identity and my attention. I have nothing that looks or sees what is happening. I have no separate awareness. All my conscious energy is being wasted and thrown away. There is no awareness of this process happening.

When I am taken, I am not aware. I become anything that takes me. All of my attention is either inside me or outside me. Whatever fine energy it contains is thrown away.

Sometimes, if a finer energy is flowing through me, there is an awareness. An awareness that is separate from my attention, separate from the passing I’s. It is also separate from the flowing energy within me. I can direct my attention without becoming attached to any I. It is not a struggle, it happens.


An amazing description of Moses’ I AM THAT I AM experience in front of the burning bush. The ‘I’ shifts and makes temporarily room for CONSCIOUSNESS. How to get there? I don’t know! The I AM THAT I AM experience is left up to GOD’s Grace, but we always can be on the look-out for that subtle ENRGY that is  running through us and that one day can become a LIGHT with the strength of 10 burning suns.

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