Monday, April 30, 2018

Never mind the big fellow

We are all broken. That’s how the light comes in.

I have a big ego! I have bumped my head into a wall way too many times. Suddenly, cracks opened up. Suddenly, the light was streaming in. There is a little back and forth between the old and new world, but then a new reality settles,

Once humpty dumpty is broken, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t put him together again. After a little while a new unity emerges. The ego might still be around, but he can’t affect the new unity much anymore.

We have no right to question the path anyone travels. Isn’t it written, ‘those that are last shall be first?’ We never know where Awakening will strike next, when and why! Big fellow, no hard feelings, it was you that got me to ‘I AM’.

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