Wednesday, August 15, 2018

So what!

Why is my mind chattering, so restless, moving, going from one thing to another, constant entertainment ? And what will you do about it? Your immediate response is to control it, to say, I must not chatter, which means what? The very controller is chattering. The controller who says, 'I mustn't chatter', is in himself part of chattering. (J. Krishnamurti)

Him: ‘You haven’t written a meaningful note in 3 days!’
Me: ‘So what …’
Him: ‘Don’t you realize how dull you are at that moment?’
Me: ‘Probably true, but so what!’
Him: ‘I feel restless; let’s do something!’
Me: ‘I’d rather sit here watching the trees swaying in the wind.’
Him: ‘That’s boring!’
Me: ‘That’s inspiring!’
Him: ‘Let’s build a website if you can’t write!’
Me: ‘Thank you, another day perhaps.’

The conversation Jesus had during the 40 days in the desert was about power. The conversation I used to have with myself was about good and evil and right and wrong. No longer! It’s not hard to figure out that this conversation with ourself is for no good; guilt, regrets, revenge, expectations … it’s all a waste of our time and energy. I no longer engage and just let life speak for itself.

A conversation about boredom? Certainly. I let my mind roam freely when I have an exciting project at hand. Otherwise? The voice in my head has to get used to my standard response, ‘you are not in charge; complain as much as you like’. Reflect a little, what conversations do you have? It is quite alright, repeat your standard response, ‘so what!’, the voice in your head will quiet down eventually.

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