Friday, November 16, 2018

Just Stop these Illusions And Sufferings

Have you ever observed how you suffer by making stories out of life’s perplexing incidents? I have observed for myself that I do this regularly. Often it turns out that it’s not the events in life that make me suffer, but my overactive and repetitive mind activities that create all these stories. And to make things worse, I not only have no idea what my mind has done to me, I also believe all the stories it has created!

To give just example, I really care a lot about how people respond to my messages. If people don’t reply back to my messages in a timely manner, I always start making stories out of that. Mostly, I would say to myself that they don’t like me. So imagine what happens next? I would then create hostile feeling toward these people, and they definitely feel my changed attitude in return. So as it turns out, my mind creates this distorted reality.

So you see, if I could have spot myself making stories out of these incidents and stop right there, the consequent suffering would stop right there. This is how we create illusion and suffering for ourselves to experience. The wonderful thing is, once we can spot our mind is on action making stories out of nowhere, the suffering stops more often than not right here and now.

Are you making illusions and sufferings for yourself without being aware of what is going on? Observe it! Today is always a good day to start a different life and I wish all the success in dismantling all these illusions and sufferings!

By Suzanne Yang

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