Friday, November 16, 2018

Purpose and passion—When Spirit and Soul walk hand in hand

Siddhartha went into the wilderness to find God. Elon Musk founded Tesla and singlehandedly took on the powerful global car and oil industries with his mission to make our blue planet sustainable again. Two pretty super-human achievements, but who can say what journey is impressive and fulfilling and which not. Maybe raising a special needs child is a super-human task. Maybe healing the family ailments of prior generations is all we can possibly accomplish in one life-time, even though to the outside it appears to be a pretty disappointing accomplishment. Who knows, maybe suffering through a debilitating illness can give spiritual meaning even though no one else understands why.

The Way of the Soul was already outlined in the Bhagavad Gita. We all have different natures, likes and dislikes, and we are all have different life missions to perform, expressing our idiosyncratic Soul requirements. Maybe our personalized mission could be simply to discover that life is nothing but a playground ready to enjoy. Even signing up for this mission can be an uphill task as we have to override millennia of conditioning to the contrary that only work can give life meaning. I cannot tell you what your mission is but your heart can, as can the cues of your environment, the encouraging ones, just as the obnoxious voices that make you dig in your heels into the ground even harder just to prove them wrong.

Spirit and Soul are often used interchangeably and that’s quite alright. It’s all words anyway but what matters here is the concept. There is a Voice that everyone has access to, stored in our heart and ready to be felt and listened to. Life also steers us towards this function. Our passions, our perception of purpose, and our willingness to stand up to hesitation and fear are our guiding principles. The Soul can be thought of as the part of us that has the God Connection implanted and steers us over the lifetimes. Spirit could be considered the external God Connection that is always at our disposal. I fell in love with Spirit when my Awakening journey started because my mind loves solving puzzles. I saw and heard God’s Voice in signs, events, and interactions. Following Lao-Tzu, I simply called this God Connection the Way, but it could be referred to as Holy Spirit, serendipity, destiny, or synchronicity just as well.

I love studying and writing about the Way but many of my spiritual friends simply listen to their heart and understand what their life is all about. Key is finding purpose and expressing our passion and Spirit and Soul are bound to walk hand in hand. What is your mission? What makes your heart jump? What gives you meaning?

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