Thursday, March 7, 2024

When the snake loses its skin

 One teacher says, “You are love!”


Another says, “You are the one listening to your thoughts.”


A third teacher states, “You are That!” A fourth, “Be still and connect with your heart!”


All of them have a point. The insight will come. What’s much harder is letting go of eons of intergenerational conditioning.


The spiritual intellect sells books, while activating and facing our passions and pain bodies is what makes the transition complete. Life initiates, but we must persevere and face what is.


Once the ballast is thrown overboard, we can pick any connection to the higher energy. They are always freely accessible. As Meister Eckhart puts it, “God is at home. We have gone for a walk.”


How to get our arms around the subconscious? Let’s be still, let’s not run when boredom, restlessness, aversion and excitement pull and push. See the twinkle in the opponent’s eyes? Feel the fear and do it anyway!


We can step out of the lower energies just as a snake loses its skin. The higher energies stand ready to take over the reign when the self gets out of the Way.


#awakening #spirituality #meistereckhart #subconscious #love #consciousness 


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