Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Please take another look!


Who do you see? The old woman or the young one? Maybe you have seen this photo so often that you somehow see both, alternating back and forth between the two images. What a beautiful description of the difference between Awareness, and being aware of feelings, thoughts and experiences, of thought-dominated and open heart energy.


When we listen to the enlightened descriptions, we are told that the young woman is visible somewhere in the picture. When we listen to a Mooji, Adyashanti, Rupert Spira or Eckhart Tolle we feel the vibrations. Connecting with Awareness is effortless because we experience the higher vibration. Alas, within an hour or two life gets us back to earth.


Once again, the optical illusion that supposedly says something about yourself dependent on who you see first is a priceless simile to the state of awakening. It is in our power to perceive both images. We can feel the silent state even while listening to our thoughts or by being in-tune with our varying feelings. Aberrations from what is last only that long.


Anyone who has woken up has constant access to the state of

S (erenity)

E (nergy)

L (ove)

F (low).


You can’t feel it right now? Take another look!



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