Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Losing the center

 When we go to the psychoanalyst, and he holds a certain theory about us and views everything we say or do from that perspective, not much good can come of it. The reason is simple, he never meets us.


Luckily psychology has changed from the olden Freud days. Today’s analyst will likely open herself up to our feelings and will help us express them. Just being able to tell a friend what bothers us is the first step towards healing. My dad always used to say that when we have good friends, we don’t need a psychoanalyst.


Psychology works under the assumption that there is a center for every human being and that with inner work we can make this center whole and sane. Spirituality may add that at the center we are serene and loving. Yet the more advanced insight is that there is no center. Awareness is outside of body, mind and world but always at our disposal.


How to lose the center and connect with what is you may ask. Well, be still for a moment. Is the imagined “you” dissolving? What remains?


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