Wednesday, April 24, 2024

You must leave the door open

 The world of the “me, myself and I” is mostly fine, but the life of magic happens in a different realm. “I Am That I Am” is our birthright Ramana Maharshi said, and the Bible’s mandate of “Be still and know I Am That I Am” describes the method of getting there. That’s the meaning really of leaving the door open. Waiting in quiet anticipation,


S (erenity) prevails there;

E (nergy) meets us in a purity we never experienced;

L (ove) rushes to our side no matter what the circumstances, and the

F (low) of life directs all happenings seemingly without our involvement.


When we truly observe what happens within and without, and observe the fact that the without is a straight-forward projection our inner state, we become naturally very still. It’s an amazing matrix we live in, an intersection of thought-based and beyond-self energies. Don’t do anything other than observing and leaving the door open, and enjoy the ride!


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