Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The end of a nightmare

 When I was very young, I had the same recurring dream, a monster followed me and I got stuck in the mud. In my twenties and thirties, I had the nightmare that I was in an exam and there was not enough time to finish. Later that nightmare was that I was at work, and I was falling behind to others.  The feeling of scarcity shifts, but the problem statement remains, a feeling of being abused by the environment that surrounds us.


My recent dreams have become so vivid. It is as if I live a life at night as well. Emotions have to be processed and let go off, but the feeling of scarcity has left. Just being able to notice when they appear is a big step forward, and we can immediately step out of the limited mindset by reconnecting with SELF:


S (erenity)

The state of peace and silence is our birthright. Go within, breathe rhythmically, notice the foreign element of every thought that comes to the surface. Watch the train of thought drift dreamlike into nothingness.


E (nergy)

The moment when thoughts start disappearing we feel a tingle in the upper neck area. The energy has moved from the lower energy centers to the crown chakra. A feeling of contentment stays with us.


L (ove)

It is impossible to experience scarcity when the heart chakra expands. When the heart energy is activated, the mind becomes still. Love, just like energy, can be activated and experienced within as well as externally.


F (low)

The flow of life is external. It’s an energy, an occurrence, that can be seen, felt, sensed, and even understood. When we are part of the flow, abundance surrounds us. After awakening most of us can gain energy from the flow.

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