Monday, June 24, 2024

Being “light” is a measure of spiritual progress

 Everyone has an inner pain-body that is projected onto the outside world. Occasionally you meet someone who is light as a breeze. Nothing to project, no-one to run away from, just facing life as is without giving it any story.


What we call ego is in fact a set of programs. These pains, aversions, suppressed desires, conditioning and expectations of others and experiences of the past create this person perceived as “me, myself and I”.


What can be done about it? Nothing really. Even when we decide to pursue a spiritual life, be loving and to do the inner work to transform, we are still carried by the same programs—we may like ourselves better, that’s all!


Now what can really be done? Just observe, others and yourself. It is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so let’s drop them too. Just observe what happens and what is felt, said and done. That’s all!


I write daily posts and also publish books also. First it was with the goal to help others while now it’s more about sharing what I find by observing these programs in myself and others. That’s honest and perhaps more useful.


Observing is all we can do while living a life that is free of inner conflicts. If that means to scale back the expectations a little, then that’s the way to go. Being “light” is a measure of spiritual success. Do you feel light?

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